
Emotional Wellness Services

It’s about coming alive and fully participating in what you were born to do and be.

Many of us have been disempowered in our lives in various ways. Maybe you’ve suffered neglect, abuse, or poverty. Or perhaps you didn’t get the support you needed in school, or you were bullied as a child, or were shamed for getting fired from a job. You’ve been robbed of your confidence and that has led to self-doubt and self-criticism.

As a result you may feel as though you’re insignificant and you have no place in the world. The status or your financial situation, health condition, or relationships may reflect the disempowerment inflicted on you by circumstances or by others. Just like I did, you probably feel deflated and disillusioned with life. If only the way to freedom would just show up.

I invite you to set sail on a new voyage with me. One of contentment, prosperity, and exciting possibilities.

There exists a Unique Genius hidden inside every single human being, limited only by the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

The purpose of this work is to help you allow your Unique Genius to emerge from within. In order to let your Genius find you, you must carve away the conditioning of your mind that has imprisoned you. This frees you up to recognize new opportunities and see possibilities. You start to gain a sense of purpose and meaning in every aspect, and begin gliding in a true flow of life.

Recent breakthroughs in biology point towards an amazing truth — it is your general attitude to life; every thought, feeling, word, and action that you make in life is imprinted in every single cell of your body. Your cells then react accordingly to whatever positive or negative environment you create via your attitude. This in turn impacts your immediate experience.

Our world is in the midst of a grand quantum leap in consciousness. Teachings of amazing truths point to a very different world than the one we presently know. A world in which human beings are governed by higher principles such as peace, appreciation, and freedom. This way of living is the next stage of our natural evolution.

As you allow your Unique Genius to find you, you will align with the natural flow of life. You will impact others and they will be inspired to reach within themselves for their innate purpose and passion.

When you unlock your Higher Purpose and allow your Unique Genius to emerge from within you, you’ll become more self-empowered every day. You will gain a sense of security, purpose, and meaning to your life as never before.

Come alive! The world needs you!

I support people who are yearning for deeper meaning and authenticity in their lives by inspiring them to actualize their own Unique Genius, so they can feel empowered and flourish. I do this with the aggregation and presentation of powerful teachings that have helped many in their personal transformation. I curate knowledge, insights and teachings from brilliant influencers from all around the world, and provide a directory of sorts for people to explore.

I also provide one-on-one Emotional Trauma Release techniques designed to help you unearth and liberate trapped emotions that may be hindering your vibrant, life-affirming energy. Together, we’ll create space for the desired emotions to flow in, allowing you to embark on a transformative journey of personal expansion that resonates deeply with your unique path.

To book a session with me, simply send a brief email to hello@lori-larson.com. I can’t wait to partner with you on this empowering journey!

Foundation of This Work

My Purpose

To exemplify a sense of sound certainty and confidence in the identity of my deepest essence.

My Mission

To foster the awakening in every soul, so that each may experience the magnificence of their highest unique potential.

My Vision

To cultivate a global community of empowered beings uniting in the awakening and evolution of mankind and the planet.


In the first millennium BC, the inspired seers of the time, or Rishis, analyzed their awareness of human experience to see if there was anything in it that could be found as absolute, and they did! They concluded:

  1. There is an infinite, changeless reality beneath the world of change.
  2. This same reality lies at the core of every human personality.
  3. The purpose of life is to discover this reality experientially; that is, to fully realize the Divine while here on Earth.